Nature's Healing Foods


Gus Deligiannidis


Nothing has ever fascinated Gus more than this very contemporary subject. With today’s rising health care cost, prevention and alternative ways of healing impairments is becoming of utmost importance. For more than 20 years he and his staff have been researching, storing and validating data, observations and anecdotal stories in this field. The epitome of his effort was the creation of his website for a wealth of information and observations, where he scrutinized and presented his views and observations in an easy way to understand, and educate you with a goal to achieve a better health and add more years to your life. His love for Health Through Nutrition, Weight Loss and Light Exercise is very high, and looks forward to continue it even more aggressively on this extremely important subject.

You will learn:

· How to buy and use herbal remedies wisely and safely

· How to know which vitamin supplements you need and which ones you can do without

· Which foods are the most powerful disease-preventing food

· How to lose weight painlessly and naturally

· Miracle food recipes that are delicious, easy to prepare, and great for your health

· Experience with medications

· Healing foods

· How to lower your Cholesterol easily and naturally

· How to keep a food diary

· Interesting facts on exercise

· To have more energy without drugs and their side effects

Thursday, February 2, 2012


“Each patient carries his own doctor inside him. We are our best when we give the doctor who resides within each patient a chance to work.” Albert Schweitzer, M.D.

What a powerful statement made by a well known physician. However, can this statement be related to my personal story of Health through Nutrition, Weight Loss and Light Exercise? Well, let me tell you my friends that even before I came across Dr. Schweitzer’s above wise thought, when my body started sending me messages, I listened.

In this presentation I mentioned, many times, the fall of 2001 as the crossroad of my health. Prior to that time, I was a good listener with reference to vitamins and minerals, whenever the topic came up, but I did not bother myself with it too much, with only two exceptions. The exceptions were CO Q10 and Shark Cartilage. We will talk about my experience with these two later on in this section.

In a previous section of this presentation I shared with you my experience with calcium. This is an extremely important mineral. Again I remind you to educate yourselves and try to supplement your diet with calcium. My next experience was with Vitamin C. It is what I call the vitamin of vitamins!!!

It was early spring in 2003 when I called Dr. Wilson and asked him what I could do about my iron deficiency. He did not have to think very long. He said, “Gus, I want you to start taking 2000 mgs of Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids a day.” I asked him about the bioflavonoid part of the vitamin. He told me that bioflavonoid is what tunes up the absorption system. This is an extremely important concept for everybody. He then explained to me that as years go by and we get older, our absorption system weakens. Because of that, we do not properly absorb the vitamins and minerals from the foods that we eat. I strongly believe that the same problem might exist in younger people too. It is possible that poor absorption of vitamins and minerals is the reason we have so many young people (children, teenagers and young adults) that have weak immune systems, cancer, or various other diseases. To my knowledge, there is no way that we can test this function. Therefore, a supplement like this is very helpful.

The next day I went out and purchased Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids and started taking 2 capsules, totaling 2000 mgs a day. Now, we need to keep in mind that almost always, when we say we take 2000 mgs a day, it is not accurate because, most of the time, manufacturers use fillers along with the vitamin and mineral substance. There is a lot of discussion about the fillers and the quality of vitamins, but you have to have some trust, and as we said earlier in this presentation, if you want to create your heart’s desire, most of the time, you have to look at things with a feeling of wonder. That is what I did, and I was pleasantly surprised.

In 45 days I went and had another blood tests and I saw that the level of iron was within the normal range. At the same time my hemoglobin became normal. Of course, I was feeling much better too. I was fascinated, and I still am, with how our body works. Of course, Vitamin C has many other properties that are good for you. We are not going to go to these details because it is not the purpose of this presentation. The next supplement that I took was Salmon Oil. It just so happened that I was familiar with it from my early childhood. I remember my mother used to call it “fish oil”. Unfortunately, I’ve never taken it before. Again, this was a suggestion of my friend, Dr. Wilson. Then, as I mentioned, I read the literature about it and became more fascinated. It contains the famous Omega 3 Fatty (good) Acids, and many other good properties. Among them is the fact that it is a natural blood thinner.

Then I became familiar with Vitamin A. I learned that this vitamin is good for many conditions of the eyes. Up to this day, I do not have to wear eyeglasses and sometimes I am surprised myself. I took Vitamin A mostly from the precautionary point of view. The raw materials for this vitamin can be found in the following foods which I eat regularly.

1. Liver of any kind 2. Sweet Potatoes 3. Cantaloupe 4. Carrots 5. Spinach 6. Broccoli 7. Winter Squash 8. Apricots (fresh or dried)

The next supplement was CO Q10. It is a very powerful coenzyme that I have taken for some time. It has many good properties. Among them are:

1. It gives energy at the cellular level

2. Helps with patients with cardiac problems

3. It lowers blood pressure

4. It lowers cholesterol

5. It strengthens our immune system

6. It helps people with diabetes

7. It fights gum disease

8. It improves athletic performance

9. Some researchers say that it fights cancer.

It is very important to share with you my knowledge on the foods that have CO Q10.

1. Tuna 2. Mackerel 3. Sardines 4. Organ Meats 5. Beef 6. Soy Oil 7. Canola Oil

8. Wheat Germ 9. Rice Bran 10. Soy Foods

With reference to CO Q10 supplements, they come in several different forms; sublingual (under the tongue), lozenges, chewable tablets, tables and oil based gel caps. Although this vitamin supplement is considered extremely safe and it has been said you cannot overdose on it, I suggest that you check with your doctor or dietitian. Also, you can request a blood test to see the levels of CO Q10 in your body.

The last supplement that I have taken and I am pleased to share my experience with you is Shark Cartilage. This is a very powerful supplement but not very well known, especially on the east coast of the United States. In general, people on the west coast know much more about it. This supplement, or better said, this food, is manufactured from a body part of one of the largest sea predators of the world, the shark. It has many health properties. Among the most important are:

1. It fights cancers. There are many studies out there that support this argument.

2. It strengthens the immune system.

3. It restricts the growth of new blood vessels that in many cases are the creators of all kinds of tumors.

4. It improves blood circulation

5. It is very good for people that suffer from arthritis because of the critical role of angiogenesis that inhibits.

Finally, let me share one other experience with you. At one time I had a mole on my left leg that after a period of time got bigger. This was a few years ago, when I was just getting familiar with Shark Cartilage. Again, I was open minded, I had taken 4-5, 1000 mg capsules of Shark Cartilage a day and in about 5-6 weeks the growth had completely shrunk. I hope you enjoyed this article on vitamins and minerals. If you want me to share my fascinating experiences with you live, please visit my web site for details.

Monday, April 18, 2011



Adapted from: Susan Havala Hobbs

Registered Dietitian and an Adjunct Assistant Professor

In the Department of Health Policy at UNC

Give yourself time, and you’ll see many natural products can be better.

Natural food stores can be a big intimidating to new comers, with all those unusual, outside-the-mainstream foods like tofu, other foods made of soy and grains such as spelt and amaranth.

Look at your first ventures into your local natural foods store as a shopping safari. You’ll be rewarded by discoveries that can enliven your meals while making them more healthful for you and your family.

The small health food stores of the 1960s and 1970s have grown into natural foods supermarkets today. Stores may differ a bit, but they generally share a set of standards that exclude most of the foods sold in conventional supermarkets.

Foods are free of artificial flavors, colorings, preservatives and additives. They are minimally processed and as close to their natural state as possible. Breads and cereals are made with whole grains. Most natural foods stores do not stock foods made with hydrogenated fats.

The first time you visit a natural foods store, give yourself extra time. Roam every isle and look at everything. Then, pick up a few products to sample. Assume that when you try new things, you’ll find some you won’t like. But you will stumble upon some new favorites too.

To get you started, here are some products I recommend.

· Fortified soy milk. Sold in aseptic, shelf-stable boxes. Anyone who is lactose – intolerant or wants to avoid the fat in most dairy products should try this. It can be used cup for cup in all the same ways as cow’s milk. Experiment with brands to find one you like best. I buy vanilla flavored for cereal or to drink straight, but plain is versatile because you can also use it in mashed potatoes and cream soups. Allergic to soy? Try fortified rice mild instead.

· Breakfast cereals. They are made with whole grains, and some are sweetened with fruit juice. No hydrogenated fats. Some are great choices for kids, too.

· Tempeh. These whole, cultured soybeans in ½ - inch slabs are usually in the refrigerated or frozen foods section. I add 1 – inch cubes to greens that I sauté with a soy-ginger sauce.

· Powdered vegetarian egg replacer. A 1-pound box lasts a long time. It works wonderfully in virtually any recipe that calls for eggs. A mixture of vegetable starches, its cholesterol – and saturated fat-free. Look for it with the baking supplies.

· Instant soups. The cup-of-soup kind, although it also comes as chili or noodles, even hot cereal in its own bowl. Great for bag lunches. These were the forerunners of the mainstream brands, but they are lower in sodium and made with organically grown ingredients.

· Whole-grain mixes. Pancake and quick bread mixes, rice and couscous side dishes, these are similar to their conventional counterparts but are made with whole grains, less sodium, no hydrogenated fats and not unnecessary additives.

A common concern is that natural foods can be more expensive. But do some comparisons and you might be surprised. Prices are often substantially less than those in conventional supermarkets.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Nature's Healing Foods - Welcome

We are offering a FREE newsletter every month on nutrition, weight loss, healthy eating at no cost to you!! Simply send us your e-mail and we will add you to our list.

Every month you will receive a FREE newsletter that's filled with information on nutrition, weight loss and light exercise. Foods you should eat and foods you should try to avoid.

We even add in recipes for healthy eating, exercise routines and so much more. Our wellness program really works and it can work for you to. Visit our website and find out for yourself.

With e-mail contact, you can submit your recipes to be added on our FREE monthly newsletter; also we would like to hear from you concerning your health issues. We have answers and observations for you.

Sign up today!! What do you have to lose? Keep Healthy, Stay Healthy, and above all, Live Healthy.

E-mail us today and find out the answers that you have been looking for.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Nature's Healing Foods - Welcome

NATURE’S HEALING FOODS can change your life. A website full of information on Nutrition, Weight Loss, and Light Exercise. No diet pills with their bad effects, all natural, easy to follow program, NO substantial amount of money you have to pay to lose weight.

Our website has a data base of information that can teach you how to:

1. Lower your blood pressure
2. Shed your extra pounds
3. Lower your cholesterol
4. Take the anxiety and depression syndrome that you might have, to the bottom of the scale
5. Learn about vitamins and minerals
6. Learn how to keep a food diary

Below is a list of questions, if you answer “yes” to just one, then Nature’s Healing Foods Wellness Program is for you:

1. Do you feel tight when you get up in the morning?
2. Do you feel that you need to have coffee in order to loosen up and get going?
3. Does your job require you to be alert early in the morning?
4. Do you feel tired and exhausted late in the afternoon and want to overcome it?
5. Do you want better health, more energy?
6. Do you really want to lose weight?

Nature’s Healing Foods has recipes for healthy eating for weight loss, exercise routines and more. Our wellness program really works and it can work for you to. Visit our website and find out for yourself. Above all, this website contains 20 plus years of information, experiences, research material, and many, many trials of Gus Deligiannidis personal story “Health through Nutrition, Weight Loss, and Light Exercise and the fascination wellness program that came out of it”.


Friday, December 17, 2010


Did you know that walking can: burn almost as many calories as jogging, can help slim your waist, reduces levels of bad cholesterol, enhances stamina and energy, reduces your appetite, slows down osteoporosis and bone loss, eases back pain, lowers blood pressure, lessens anxiety and tension. Any one who can walk should walk everyday at least for 15 minutes.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Nature's Healing Foods

Nature's Healing Foods

Do  you feel tight in the morning when you get up?  Do you feel that you have to have coffee in order to loosen up and get going?  Does your job require you to be alert when you get up in the morning?  Do you get up in the morning and sometimes feel as tired or more tired than when you went to bed?

If you answered yes to one of these questions, then you should go to to the answer's you are looking for.  You may e-mail us at for questions or thoughts you would like to share with us.